Monday, November 17, 2008

More Favorites...

After San Clemente we headed out to Dana Point.

This is the view from the Ocean Institute into the Harbor.

We decided to then take a long hike out to the hidden cave. It was well worth the walk out.

Here's a view from inside the cave looking out towards the west. It looked much better in person. I'm still learning how to use my camera for unique situations like this. Any suggestions?

Another view from inside the cave, but from the larger opening on the north side.

Outside the cave there were a bunch of rocks to sit on, so we relaxed and watched the waves hit the rocks out in front of us. I could've stayed here for hours. =)

Some different shells at the Ocean Institute.

Another boat...

On to Laguna Beach...

We didn't stay long at Laguna, but it was very peaceful there.

And I love this reflection of the sun on the water. We should've stayed for the sunset. There's always next time I guess. =)

I really could live at the beach. I love walking on the sand and the fresh ocean breeze.
There's nothing else like it. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pix! I especially like this one above where you're in the dark cave looking out!